Searching for Counseling Help?

Finding Home Soul Care is Here for You.

Both in-person and Zoom Counseling are available.

Hope-Focused Counseling

In Hope-Focused counseling, I use the theme of the redemptive story as the controlling lens through which I understand and interpret my client's story—I then take 7 transformational principles plus Internal Family Systems and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and apply them, leading to transformational living. I apply gospel truth to your past, present, and future, with faith, hope, and love, to your whole self: spiritually, socially, relationally, mentally, volitionally (behavior and motivation), emotionally, and physically.
$100 Session or 6-Session Package $500

A Renovation of Your Soul is Possible

Spiritual Formation Coaching

Spiritual formation in Jesus Christ is the development of the transformation of the inmost dimension of the human soul, the heart, and the will. It is allowing Christ to be formed in you in such a way that its natural expression becomes walking as Christ and is done in the power of the Holy Spirit
$75 Session or 6-Session Package $300

Couple and Marriage Counseling

Prepare/Enrich is the number 1 premarital and marriage assessment for 35 years. It adapts and reacts to the changing reality of couple relationships and helps couples strengthen and enrich their relationships. It can be applied to couples, families, and church settings. This tool has helped prevent many marriages from ending in divorce.
8-Session Package $750 + materials

Learn about Prepare/Enrich
Couple and Marriage Counseling

Gospel-Centered Enneagram Coaching

I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ alone brings hope and healing. The Enneagram is an amazing resource and tool to illuminate a person’s heart to see if it is aligned or misaligned with the Gospel. It will help you see where you are misunderstanding God and others and then use that to transform your relationship with both. As you learn who you are and whose you are, you will be able to love others with more empathy, compassion, and grace. The Enneagram can become a tool for your growth and sanctification in Christ.
5-Session Package $350
Group Presentations available

Learn about Gospel Centered Enneagram
Gospel-Centered Enneagram Coaching

Public Speaking

I can come into your setting and share about Soul Care and its ability to renovate your life. This can include Preaching, Women's Events, Bible Studies, Retreats, I can also provide a 3-day Soul Care Conference.

Topics include:
A Tour of the Model of the Soul
The Upkeep of the Home of the Soul
Finding Your Soul's Calling
Parenting with Mental Health in Mind
Finding Who You Are through the Gospel-Centered Enneagram Approach
Customizable topics to match your theme.

Contact me for pricing

Public Speaking

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Our Members Achievements

Our Members Achievements

Some romance novel authors and readers believe the genre has additional restrictions, from plot considerations such as the protagonists meeting early on in the story, to avoiding themes such as adultery. Other disagreements have centered on the firm requirement for a happy ending.

Samnatha WaltersCEO . Berkley
Success Story

Soul Care Living Podcast and More